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Vikramaditya Singh, Neeraj Nayyar and Chandrashekhar attacked BJP, know what they said

Shimla. MLAs Shri Vikramaditya Singh, Shri Neeraj Nayar and Shri Chandershekhar has accused former Chief Minister Shri Jai Ram Thakur and other BJP leaders of creating un-necessary hue and cry over the decision of the State Government regarding closure of a few institutions opened by the previous BJP Government in the fag-end of its tenure without any budget provisions.

In a joint statement issued here today, Shri Vikramaditya Singh, Shri Neeraj Nayar and Shri Chandershekhar said that it seems that the BJP leaders were not able to come out from the crushing defeat in the recently concluded general assembly elections. He said that the State Government led by the Chief Minister Shri Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu was committed for the welfare of every section of the society and every area of the State. They said that the people of the State have given massive mandate to the Congress in the State and the Government was committed to come upto the expectations of the masses.

The MLAs said that the previous BJP Government announced opening of institutions in the State during the last few months of its tenure, with an eye on general assembly elections. They said that all these institutions were opened without making any budgetary provisions and not even a single post was created to man these institutions. In fact, staff from other institutions and offices were deployed in these institutions to mislead the people of these areas, they added. They said that almost all these institutions were opened with political motives and did not fulfill laid down parameters fixed for opening of these institutions.

They said that this has not only adversely affected the functioning of the already existing offices and institutions, but also proved futile for the newly opened institutions. They said that the State Government also took into consideration the departmental inputs regarding these newly opened institutions and it was found that they were not only feasible, but were also affecting the functioning of already functional institutions. They said that still the State Government would review the cases on merit basis and where necessary these institutions would be reopened.

Shri Vikramaditya Singh, Shri Neeraj Nayar and Shri Chandershekhar reminded the former Chief Minister Shri Jai Ram Thakur, that the then BJP Government has also reviewed all the decisions of the then Congress Government of the last six months and several institutions were closed down. They said that still the present State Government was not resorted to politics of vendetta and vengeance, unlike the previous BJP Government that took decisions with ulterior political motives.

The MLAs advised the BJP leaders to have patience and try to respect the mandate of the people of the State. They said that the people of the State have reposed full faith in the present State Government headed by the Chief Minister Shri Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu and would leave no stone unturned to live up to their expectations.

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