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IT department now officially becomes DT&G

Shimla . Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has officially dedicated new nomenclature of the Information Technology (IT) department as Department of Digital Technologies and Governance (DT&G) here today. He also launched a new website of the department and said that Himachal Pradesh was probably the first state in the country to have this nomenclature, reflecting its commitment to transform the State into a digitally advanced and modern state.

The Chief Minister said that the IT Department has been renamed as Department of Digital Technologies and Governance in view of the wider scope of emerging technologies in governance. He said that it was of utmost importance to align the department with the evolving digital landscapes and changing requirements. The State Government was committed for technology driven governance for swift delivery of the government services to the public and renaming the department would pave a way to achieve the goal, he said. Adopting digital technologies was essential for fast and universally accessible data connectivity for inclusive development to transform Himachal Pradesh digitally, he added. The utilization of digital technologies has brought revolution in delivery of government services while citizens’ expectations regarding access to information and services have also evolved and renaming the department will strengthen its focus on core responsibilities primarily utilizing digital technologies to improve governance and public service delivery, said the Chief Minister.

Sh. Sukhu said that in view of the upcoming opportunities of implementation of digital technologies in the various departments of the State Government, the four focus areas of the DT&G department were in the domains of digital technologies, Digital Infrastructure and Data Governance, Digital Transformation for inclusive development and IT Investment and Industry Promotion. These further include developing and implementing policies for digital technologies, tele-communications, e-Governance, electronics, cyber-security, promoting emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, drones and drone-based services, machine learning, cloud computing, Internet of Things, block chain, and big data analytics. It includes integration and implementation of Geographical Information System (GIS) technology for effective mapping, data management, and analysis for various government departments and organizations, promotion of investment in the Information Technology and Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector, including emerging technologies and take steps to foster such investments, he added.

Principal Advisor (IT and Innovation) Gokul Butail, Secretary Digital Technologies and Governance, Dr. Abhishek Jain and Director Mukesh Repaswal were also present on the occasion.

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