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Symptoms of Covid-19 must not be ignored: Health Department

Shimla. A Spokesperson of Health Department said here today that the State Government is making all efforts to control the spread of Covid-19 and various need based steps are being taken from time to time for this.

He said that some of the deaths have happened in patients at home. There were some patients who were known cases of Covid-19 and were kept in home isolation and some patients who had ignored symptoms of Covid and had been diagnosed as Covid positive after death. The spokesperson urged people not to ignore the Covid symptoms. He said that people should contribute in fight against Corona pandemic and follow all guidelines and SOPs issued by the State Government from time to time.
He said that amongst the 190485 positive cases of Covid-19 in the State, 3143 deaths have occurred. He further added that all the patients who were suspected to be suffering from Covid-19, whose Covid-19, RT-PCR test report was awaited or RT-PCR report was negative and have features of Severe Acute Respiratory Illness must be admitted in the Triage area of the hospital.

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